
Important Question OOC (15CS45)

Module 1
Introduction to object oriented concept 
1. Explain oops Concepts
2. Difference between C & C++
3. Define pointer variable . write c++ program using reference variable.
4. Define function . Explain types of function
5. Explain function overloading with an example
6. Define constructor . Explain types of constructor 
7. Explain static variable , static function & static block.
8. Explain namespace
9. Define class . How class is declared & initialized with an example
10. Explain inline function with an example 
11. Explain friend function with an example 

Module 2
Introduction to Java
1. Explain how java is called " compile once & run anywhere".
2. Explain java buzz word(features).
3. Difference between C,C++ & Java
4. Explain any five types of operators in java
5. Explain byte code with an example
6. Explain JDK with an example.
7. Write a java program using array .
8. Explain type casting 

Module 3

1.Describe the significance of final and super, with examples. (6M) 

2. Define Classes. How class is declared & initialization with an example 6m
3. Define Constructor . Explain types of constructor with an example  in java 8m
4.Why overriding methods are used in java? Example(8M)
5.What is meant by instance variable hiding? How to overcome it? 5m
6.  Difference between Overloading and Overriding with an example ?[ July 2017 ]
7. What is an exception? Explain the different exception handling mechanisms, with an example, (8M) [Jan   2014, July 2015]
8.  Define package. How package is created & implemented in java program. 6m
9.  Explain interface, how interface helps in multiple inheritances. 6m
10. Define Inheritances . Explain types of inheritance with an example  in java. 8m
11. List & Explain  access  protection in java. 6m
12. Explain the Java Garage collector? 6m

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Basic structure of c program