


            Pseudocode is neither an algorithm nor flowchart is a simple way of writing programming code in English. Pseudocode is not actual programming language. It uses short phrases to write code for programs before you actually create it in a specific language. Once you know what the program is about and how it will function, then you can use pseudocode to create statements to achieve the required results for your program.
Create a program to add 2 numbers together and then display the result.
Start Program 
"Enter two numbers, A, B 
Add the numbers together  
Print Sum"
End Program
Compute the area of a rectangle:
"Get the length, l, and width, w  
Compute the area = l*w  
Display the area"
Psuedocode for area of circle 
" Read radius r to calculate area of circle by using formula area=3.14*R*R & display result "
Advantages :
* It can be easily in any word processor.
 *It can be easily modified as compared to flowchart.
* It's implementation is very useful in structured design elements
* It can be written easily.* It can be read and understood easily.
* It is not visual.
* We do not get a picture of the design.


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Basic structure of c program