Definition of File : File is a collection of bytes that is stored on secondary storage devices like disk.
File pointer variable : It is similar to pointer variable , but it hold the address of the file to perform operation on file like read, write append etc .
Syntax : FILE *file_pointer
where FILE is keyword data type used declare file variable.
file pointer keep the record of access.
File Opening & closing function in C
The sequence of any kind of operation on data file is done by performing
opening file
performing read & write operation on file
closing file
fopen( ) function :
This function is used open a file for different operation
fopen( file_name_with extension , Mode_of_operation);
where file name : Address of file where located in system with extension
mode :
if file name is correct ,file access is successful, returns a pointer to a FILE object
else fails, returns NULL
Example 1: fopen( "studname.txt","r")
file studname is opened for read only
Ex 2:
FILE * fp;
fp = fopen ("studname.txt", "w");
file studname.txt is opened for write only
How to check wether file is exit or not
FILE *fp = fopen(“myfile.txt”, “r”);
if (fp == NULL)
//report error and try to recover
//do something with the file
fclose( ) function
This function is used to close the file which are opened by fopen( ) function
fclose(file pointer);
FILE *fp;
fp= fopen("Stud.txt", "r");
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