Scanf() Function
scanf() function is used to read information from the standard input
device(keyboard),scanf() function starts with a string argument and may contain
additional arguments.
Syntax : Scanf( “Control string”, “Address list “);
Where Control String: The below
table illustrates code formats(control strings) in Input/Output statements.
Code Meaning
% c
To read a single character
To read a decimal number
To read a floating point value
% f %g
To read a floating point value To
read a floating point value % o To read an octal value
To read hexadecimal value
To read a string
To read an unsigned integer
Each variable name(argument) must be
proceeded by an ampersand(&).The ‘&’ symbol “address of” the variable.
Rules for writing scanf() function
1.The control string must be
preceded with(%) sign and must be within quotations.
2.If there is a number of input data
items, items must be separated by commas and must be preceded with(&) sign.
3.The control string and the
variables going to input should match with each other.
4.It must have termination with
5.The scanf() reads the data values
until the blank space n numeric input or maximum number of character have been
read, or error is detected.
printf ( ) ;
• This function provides for
formatted output to the screen.
The syntax is: printf ( “Control
string ”, var1, var2, … ) ;
• The “format” includes a listing of
the data types of the variables to be output and, optionally, some text and
control character(s).
• Example: float a=5.6 ; int b=4 ;
printf ( “You entered %f and %d \n”,
a, b ) ;
Rules for writing printf() function
1. Place appropriate headings in the
2. The variable must be separated by
commas, and need not be preceded with ‘&’ sign.
3. The control string ad the
variables must match in their order.
4. The control string must be in
quotations and there we can also use any other text to print with data.
5. Print special messages wherever
required in output.
getchar ( ) ;
This function provides for getting
exactly one character from the keyboard.
Example: char ch; ch = getchar ( ) ;
void main() {
char c;
printf(“enter a character”);
c=getchar(); printf(“c = %c ”,c); }
putchar (char) ;
This function provides for printing
exactly one character to the screen.
char ch;
ch = getchar ( ) ; /* input a
character from kbd*/
putchar (ch) ; /* display it on the
screen */
These functions read any
alphanumeric character from the standard input device
• The character entered is not
displayed by the getch() function until enter is pressed
• The getch() accepts but does not
display the character
Syntax getch( );
This function prints any
alphanumeric character taken by the standard input device Example: #include void main() {
char ch;
printf(“Press any key to continue”);
ch = getch(); printf(“ you
putch(ch); }
gets(): This function is used for
accepting any string until enter key is pressed (string will be covered later)
syntax: char str[length of string in
Example #include<stdio.h>
void main() {
char ch[30];
printf(“Enter the string:”);
printf(“Entered string: %s”, ch); }
puts() :
This function prints the string or character array. It is opposite to gets()
Syntax: char str[length of string in
Program to Print an Integer
#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int number;//
printf() dislpays the formatted output printf("Enter an integer:
"); // scanf() reads the formatted
input and stores themscanf("%d", &number); // printf() displays the formatted
outputprintf("You entered: %d", number); return 0;}
Program to Add Two Integers
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int fNumber, SNumber, sum;
printf("Enter two integers: "); // Two integers entered by user is stored //using
scanf() function
scanf("%d %d", &fNumber,
&SNumber); // sum of two numbers
in stored in //variable //sumOfTwoNumbers
sum = fNumber + SNumber;
// Displays sum
printf("%d + %d = %d", firstNumber,
secondNumber, sumOfTwoNumbers);
Program to Print ASCII Value
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char c;
printf("Enter a character:
"); // Reads character input from
the user
&c); // %d displays the integer
value of a character // %c displays
the actual character
printf("ASCII value of %c =
%d", c, c);
return 0;}
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disk status code examples on c programming
Program for getting the disk status
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