Structure in c
Struct is keyword to declare structure
Structure definition
It is collection of dissimilar data element
Struct structure_name
{ data type 1 var1;
Data type2 var2;
Data type n var n;
}structure_variable ;
Declaring Structure Variables
It is possible to declare variables of a structure, either along with structure definition or after the structure is defined. Structure variable declaration is similar to the declaration of any normal variable of any other data type.
struct student
int mark;
char name[10];
float average;
struct student
int mark;
char name[10];
float average;
Initializing structure using normal variable:
S = {100, “Mani”, 99.5};
Accessing structure members using normal variable:
Array of Structure
We can also declare an array of structure variables. in which each element of the array will represent a structure variable.
Example :
struct employee emp[5];
The below program defines an array
of size 5. Each element of the array emp
is of type Employee
Void main()
struct Employee
char ename[10];
int sal;
} emp[5];
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
printf("\nEnter %dst Employee record:\n", i+1);
printf("\nEmployee name:\t");
scanf("%s", emp[i].ename);
printf("\nEnter Salary:\t");
scanf("%d", &emp[i].sal);
printf("\nDisplaying Employee record:\n");
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
printf("\nEmployee name is %s", emp[i].ename);
printf("\nSlary is %d", emp[i].sal);
}// End of main function
Structure within structure
We can define structure within the structure also. It requires less code than previous way. But it can't be used in many structures.
- Example:
struct Student { char name[30]; int age; /* here Address is a structure */ struct Address { char locality; char city; int pincode; }addr; };